
dimanche 3 novembre 2013

3 frameworks to transform your Communication ecosystem to a truly Collaborative Enterprise

Back to the vision

Today in Social businesses, Communications is an indispensable practical strategy to explain vision, create synergies, align knowledge, promote Collaborative attitudes and behaviors. The societies and organizations are complex human groups organized in networks with multiple connections within and outside of their environments where people’s experiences imply the change of time and territories evolution (functional framework).

The successful Communication strategy journey must pass by a new functional architecture and social technologies that facilitate the logistics of the flow of information’s in social frameworks that have thin borders, coordination governance, interactions rules and policies.

So we have to explain the full map of social and organizational behaviors to develop a comprehensive framework under communication ecosystem where formal and informal exchanges coexist to improve business performance.

We observe that organizations that are moving to the Social collaboration are redesigning their models, theirs behaviors, And it’s important to clarify what you want to achieve to become a truly Collaborative enterprise before speaking and implementing Collaborative solutions and ESN

A good diagram is better than a long explanation:

Here are the 3 keys to transform our business model to Mass Collaboration open to the world but with strong and secure layers.

1- Knowledge heart : is capitalizing on our internal skills and expertises to protect the Communities data’s and knowledge of the company in its (secure) heart.

2- Communities layer :  is  progressively freeing all energies of internal communities and protecting the heart like a filter for external communities (customers, partners) It’s also transforming our ways of communicating with many new contents owners and influencers to manage…

3- Collaborative layer : allowing the dissemination of our knowledge and expertise to public social medias and promoting co-contribution with external stakeholders. This new layer will develop many digital bridges with the external world  for Expertises , for Employer Branding, Employee videos, for open innovation… 

Note : this diagram show the key interactions between the 3 complementary layers, the Collaborative layer represent the external world with which all Social organizations must increasingly interact in both directions.

The only feasible way to realize the Collaborative and Digital Workplace is to start with a vision and above guiding principles and then explore potential paths to get there, taking one step at the time. 
Also by addressing key questions and challenges to transform your internal communications strategy :
  • How will we secure our knowledge and static information of organizations?
  • Is there a future for our existing Intranet ?
  • How to move from push to pull Communications, from monolog to dialog collaboration, from long text to short videos?
  • How  do we teach and manage employee and experts to collect, share and promote externally their information’s?

A key reason for introducing Change in a step-by-step approach is to make it easier for people to adopt these changes. That way they can also change their ways of working to something better.

This is the “essence” what we are trying to do – to improve smarter ways of working, wellbeing at work, employee networking, social links and thereby increasing knowledge worker productivity.